ar X iv : f un ct - a n / 97 04 00 4 v 1 2 1 A pr 1 99 7 Examining the dual of an algebraic quantum group .
In the first part of this paper, we implement the multiplier algebra of the dual of an algebraic quantum group (A, ∆) (see [13]) as a subset of the space of linear functionals on A. In a second part, we construct the universal corepresentation and use it to prove a bijective corespondence between corepresentations of (A, ∆) and homomorphisms on its dual.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : f un ct - a n / 97 04 00 5 v 1 2 1 A pr 1 99 7 A natural extension of a left invariant lower semi - continuous weight
In this paper, we describe a natural method to extend left invariant weights on C *-algebraic quantum groups. This method is then used to improve the invariance property of a left invariant weight. We also prove some kind of uniqueness result for left Haar weights on C *-algebraic quantum groups arising from algebraic ones.
متن کاملar X iv : f un ct - a n / 97 04 00 3 v 1 1 9 A pr 1 99 7 Grassmannian and Elliptic Operators
A multi-dimensional analogue of the Krichever construction is discussed.
متن کاملar X iv : s ol v - in t / 9 71 00 04 v 1 7 O ct 1 99 7 México ICN - UNAM 97 - 12 Two - body
Two Lie algebraic forms of the 2-body Elliptic Calogero model are presented. Translation-invariant and dilatation-invariant discretizations of the model are obtained.
متن کاملar X iv : f un ct - a n / 97 04 00 8 v 1 2 9 A pr 1 99 7 KMS - weights on C ∗ - algebras
In this paper, we build a solid framework for the use of KMS-weights on C *-algebras. We will use another definition than the one introduced by Combes in [4], but we will prove that they are equivalent. However, the subject of KMS-weights is approached from a somewhat different angle. We introduce a construction procedure for KMS-weights, prove the most important properties of them, construct t...
متن کاملar X iv : f un ct - a n / 97 07 00 9 v 1 2 8 Ju l 1 99 7 One - parameter representations on C ∗ - algebras
Strongly continuous one-parameter representations on a C *-algebra A and their extension to the multiplier algebra are investigated. We also give a proof of the Stone theorem on Hilbert C *-modules and look into some related problems.
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